This tool will provide you with everything you need to write a comprehensive report on a target's online life.
Click the links to the left to get started.
Writing a report on someone's public online presence requires you to figure out their usernames email addresses.
This process is more art than science. Luckily, however, people tend to reuse usernames across websites. You'll use this tendency to great effect.
Download the template below and start filling it out with what you already know. Consider the portion before the @ symbol in a person's email address to be a username, as well as their custom Facebook URL on their personal Facebook, and their Twitter username. From there, you'll simply have to Google and be creative.
Remember: just because someone has used a username on one website doesn't preclude a different person owning it on another website. If you can't prove an account is owned by your target, don't include it. If under unusual circumstances you do include this information in your report, make abundantly clear the difficulty in proving a link to your target.
Before using this tool, you should fully read the Social Media Vetting page on the Oppotools encyclopedia. The preliminary research template, downloadable below, should be revisited and updated as you complete the rest of your resarch.
Username search
Below is a tool for inspecting public Facebook interactions that are not searchable on a target's profile, such as interactions with public posts and events.
First, Find your target's Facebook ID. Then click the corresponding buttons to view various types of account activity. Please remember to allow popups in your browser! Otherwise, this site won't work.
Reviewing someone's Twitter account isn't as complicated as reviewing someone's Facebook. Find their personal account, and
The searches below will help you find public profiles on some of Google's most important platforms. Search both real names and known usernames.
There are dozens of ecommerce platforms, but there are a few big ones that are worth searching for user accounts. Searching Venmo will require an account.
People who register domains need to report some level of information about themselves.
Other Social Media
Search known usernames though more obscure social media sites, and see what comes up.